Dhairya Dand: Blending imagination and reality
DNA News
Dhairya Dand
Contagious Magazine (Issue 31)
Dhairya Dand
Forbes Asia
30 Under 30 list 2016
Forbes India
30 Under 30 list 2015
Disruption through a different lens
Most Contagious
Ones to watch - Technology (page 48)
Boston Globe 2013
Top 25 innovators under 25
Centre for MIT Entrepreneurship
Four MIT students and alumni named to Globe’s "The Hive 25 Under 25" list
The Tribune
Gizmo Man of MIT
Economic Times
Dhairya Dand
The Digital and the Personal
Vogue - October 2015 Issue
Cool People
Brand Equity
In conversation with next-gen thinkers
अपयशांचा अभ्यास न केल्याने आपण मागे पडतो?
ऑडमॅनचा नाशिक ते न्यू यॉर्क चा प्रवास
MIT's tickling shoes tell you where to walk
Shoes : Pleasure and Pain
Popular Science
Toe-Tickling Shoes Let You Navigate The City By Touch
The Atlantic Cities
The High-Tech Shoes That 'Tickle' You Directions
WIRED Magazine (Sept 2013)
Vibrating shoes could be the future of navigation and wearable tech
Augmented Reality: Obake elastic touchscreen
Wall Street Journal (Print + Web)
A shapeshifting screen
MIT Technology Review
A New Computer Screen Reaches Out to Touch You
A Touchscreen You Can Pinch, Poke and Stretch
The Verge
Elastic touchscreen prototype lets you pinch and zoom in '2.5D'
Fast Company's Co.Design
Can A Shapeshifting UI Make You Hug Your Toaster?
Pinch To Zoom Is Literal On This Elastic Touchscreen Display
Fashion Forward: Wearable Tech to Rock This Fallh
SuperShoes tickle your toes to help you find your way
The Verge
ThinkerToys repurpose old keyboards, mice, and monitors into educational toys
Using e-waste to create educational toys, with ThinkerToys
ThinkerToys turns eWaste into fun gadgetry
Simple Educational Toys Hacked From Electronic Waste
Glowing Ice Cubes Warn People on Excessive Drinking
Yahoo News
New LED ice cubes tell you when to stop drinking
Toying with eWaste
Repurposing eWaste into eLearning
Smart "ice cubes" tell you when you've had too much to drink
eWate to toys - ThinkerToys
Enablers for the disabled
Global Wire Books
Recharge E-waste: Ideas For Reducing Electronic Waste And Greening The Tech World
Using eWaste to teach
Tom's Guide
ThinkerToys Transforms eWaste Into Educational, Fun Tools
The FlipIt Frame Aims to Change the Way People Consume News Stories
Media Consumption Device Lets You Flip and Shake to Alter News Perspectives
Digital ice cubes designed by MIT student detect how drunk someone is
Smart Ice Cubes Tell When You've Had Enough Alcohol
Last word
Super Shoes Lead The Way
TIME Magazine
MIT student invents LED ice-cubes that track how much you have been drinking
ABC News
MIT Student Invents LED Ice Cubes to Track Alcohol Intake
MIT student invents smart ice cubes
Popular Science
Glowing Ice Cubes Warn You When You Drink Too Much
These Ice Cubes Text Your Friend When You Had Too Much To Drink
Can an Ice Cube Keep You From Drinking Too Much?
Wiley-Blackwell Publishers
The Perfect Meal: The Multisensory Science of Food and Dining
Smart Ice Cubes Tell When You're Drunk
Huffington Post
LED ice-cubes prevent alcohol blackouts
Alcohol aware LED ice-cubes
The Creators Project
Alcohol Aware LED "Ice Cubes" Know When You've Had Enough To Drink
The Next Web
After alcohol-induced blackout, this MIT researcher created glowing ice cubes to track his drinking
Channel 5
Tickle to turn! Smart insoles for shoes offer silent directions for navigation
Stop staring at your phone let these vibrating shoes navigate you
Economic Times
SuperShoes soles help you find your way with ease
Creative Applications
‘Obake’ (o-baa-keh) – 2.5D interaction gestures to manipulate 3D surfaces
The Creator's Project
3D? Whatev! Obake Is A "2.5D" Elasticated Touch Screen Display
An elastic touchscreen into which you can literally sink your fingers
Obake Multi-touch 2.5D Elastic Screen
Obake Takes Touchscreens to Elastic Turf; Pinch, Push or Pull at Will
The Week
These ice cubes know when you're drunk
Hack A Day
LED ice cubes prevent alcohol induced blackouts
Nokia Blog
ThinkerToys give e-waste a new life
Simple toys made out of hacked eWaste
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